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The Full Story

Furniture and Craftsmanship

I have a multitude of passions beyond my acting and I enjoy sharing some of them with whomever is open to listening. One skill in particular I have picked up and developed, is my work in upholstery. It allows me to express my creative ambitions and utilities while embracing my desire to work with my hands and create something I am proud of on my own time and in my own way. Free from external input. This is me from the inside out. 

orange chair
Yellow Chair


To be confidently competent in all that I do. To be living in and of Kintsugi.

1970 Chevy Seat


I aim to encourage and inspire through  my work and through my passions in life. To make the world a better place by striving to be the best version of myself and an example to all around me. Never stop learning. You never know what is possible until you try.

1970 Chevy Seat
grey chair
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